Health and Safety Policy


Policy Aims

Almost Athletes is strongly committed to encouraging our members to take part, but the health, well-being and safety of each individual is always our paramount concern. We recommend our members participate in levels of training dependent on their ability, and health and we expect our athletes to participate within these boundaries. We also expect our Coaches and Leaders in running fitness to support members within the boundaries of their capabilities.


Our Health and Safety Policy

To support our Health and Safety policy aims, statement we are committed to the following duties:

  • Undertake regular, recorded risk assessment of premises used for training purposes and all activities undertaken by the club.
  • Create a safe environment by putting health and safety measures in place as identified by the assessment before the run or training session takes place. ** Note external unforeseen hazards not apparent at the time of the initial assessment and found during runs led by LIRF will be jointly managed by the LIRF and the running group members at that time.
  • Ensure that all members are provided with an appropriate level of training
  • Ensure that all members are aware of, understand and follow the club’s health and safety policy.
  • Appoint a competent club member/s to assist with health and safety responsibilities.
  • Ensure that normal operating procedures and emergency operating procedures are in place and known by all members
  • Provide access to adequate first aid facilities and qualified first aider at all times where possible.
  • Report any incidents, injuries or accidents sustained during any club activity or whilst on the club premises.
  • Ensure that the implementation of the policy is reviewed regularly and monitored for effectiveness


As a Club Member You Have a Duty to

  • Take reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or do not do.
  • Co-operate with the club at all times on health and safety issues.
  • Correctly use all equipment provided by the club.
  • Not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.


Our club Health and Safety Officer

Desiree Beer is our Health and Safety Officer.  You can also raise any concerns with the leaders of our training sessions, or any committee member as follows.


Making Contact

The Contact Us page has all of the details you will need, including who our committee members are, and their roles.