Almost Athletes Inclusion Policy



For the purposes of this policy inclusion means access for all. It means recognising differences between individuals / groups and providing opportunities for them to participate in Athletics and Running regardless of those differences, whether as a participant, coach, leader, official, volunteer or member of staff.

Almost Athletes embraces diversity and difference and is committed to providing opportunities that are safe, inclusive, accessible and equitable. We want our club to be equally accessible to all members of society, whatever their age, disability, gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality or social/economic status.


Our overall intent is to provide an environment where everyone feels:

  • Welcome
  •  Represented
  •  Included in decision making
  •  Able to participate
  •  Safe and free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and vilification.


Specific aims of our Inclusion Policy include:

  • To promote the development of knowledge and understanding of disability, equity and inclusion amongst our participants, leaders/coaches, officials, volunteers and competition/event organisers by the provision of appropriate guidance and training. To guide and support the integration of inclusive practice into our core club/group programmes and activities.
  • To contribute towards growing and sustaining numbers of people from under-represented groups participating within our club.
  • To promote inclusion within Athletics and Running wherever possible and in accordance with the provisions of the Equality Act 2010.
  • To adopt inclusive practice within our competition and events.
  • To promote close working partnerships with relevant groups and organisations to support the development of inclusive practice within our club.

Our Commitments

We will:

  • Not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation.
  • Actively identify and reduce barriers to participation for under-represented groups.
  • Consult with expert partners and other organisations to facilitate inclusive practices and remove barriers to participation.
  • Ensure under-represented groups are given the opportunity to participate in all aspects of our club.
  • Provide opportunities for all in coaching, officiating and leadership positions.

We will provide a welcoming environment:

  • We will think positively about how we can include people rather than focusing on potential barriers to participation.
  • We will consider how our club/group is promoted. For example, by providing information in formats which are accessible and by using appropriate imagery.
  • We will encourage people to contact us to discuss their needs and requirements to facilitate inclusion and we will ensure we consider what reasonable adjustments could be made to enable them to participate.
  • We will develop the knowledge and understanding of key officials, coaches, leaders and other volunteers, of disability, equity and inclusive practice by providing appropriate guidance and training.

We will talk to people:

  • We will, so far as is reasonably possible, consult with relevant groups and with prospective individuals about their needs and requirements.
  • We will not make assumptions and will try to speak to people about the reasonable adjustments they believe might be made to enable them to participate and to discuss how these could be made.

We will make reasonable adjustments:

  • We will demonstrate that every effort has been made to enable everyone to participate and that inclusion not exclusion has been the priority.
  • If reasonable adjustments are required to make an event/activity accessible, then we will make those reasonable adjustments.