Runners of the Month, Prior to 2023

Every 4-6 weeks or so the committee nominate one or two Runners of the Month – these are people who we feel have worked hard and improved in some way, whether that is by running their first 5K, coming back from injury or completing a longer event in an exceptional time. At the end of the year, at the club AGM, members have the opportunity to choose a male and female Runner of the Year by voting for the various Runners of the Month.


Select from the links below to see our historical winners:


Second half of 2022

First half of 2022


After March 2020, and until January 2022, there were no Runners of the Month due to Covid


January to March 2020

Second half of 2019

First half of 2019

Second half of 2018

First half of 2018

Second half of 2017

First half of 2017