What’s happening this week?


The following are our regular training sessions, Monday to Thursday, and sometimes a selection of other events.

All regular weekly sessions are open to all abilities.  Please ensure you bring sufficient water to any of the evening sessions.

If you’re travelling by car to club events please car share where you can.

Unfortunately EA advice prevents us from allowing u18s at any of our regular weekly sessions.


Monday 29 July

We have a club committee meeting this Monday. If you have anything you want the committee to discuss please talk to any committee member.



These sessions are on the Prince of Wales Stadium track.

Please arrive at 6:50 for a 7pm start.  There is a £3.25 charge, which goes towards track hire.

The coach is usually James Clay.

Please book and pay in advance online:

Book a Track Session for a Monday



Tuesdays are hill rep sessions and the coach is usually Michael Grant.

Now at the Racecourse for the summer, meeting in the North carpark before the steam railway station at 6.45pm for 6.50pm start.

If you can, please check on Facebook for any last minute changes.



Our main weekly social run is currently off road, starting from the Gardeners Arms in Alderton at 7pm.  There will be various paces over the 5 mile route and hopefully a 4 mile group too. Drinks in the pub afterwards.


Thursday Mornings

These sessions are usually based on individuals, or self-organised groups, running to or otherwise just turning up at an agreed venue.  The meeting place for this Thursday (1 August) is, like last week, Whiskers at Prestbury Playing Fields. Aim to arrive at 10.15am.

Unfortunately EA advice prevents us from allowing u18s at any of our sessions.


Thursday Afternoon

As this will be the first Thursday of the month, in addition to the weekly event below we have our monthly speed endurance track session with Mitch (yes, Mitch!) at POW at 5pm.   Please book and pay for the session using the link below.

Book a Track Track Session for a Thursday


Thursday Evenings

This week’s speed endurance session is with Mitch (yes, Mitch again!) in Pittville Park, meeting at 7pm by Albemarle Gate car park but please park at the POW stadium car parks.